RefLab Cloud®
The most reliable bioinformatic tools
Our experience at your fingertips
In order for our clients to access our more than 40 years of clinical experience and analytical software tools, we have developed RefLab Cloud®, a digital bioinformatics solution that allows us to monitor and perform all the bioinformatic steps necessary for the analysis of NGS data from a clinical perspective.
In addition, with RefLab Cloud® our clients can view, download and store the NGS data of their genetic studies on a secure platiorm and in compliance with the data protection law, guaranteeing the privacy of their patients.
For whom?
RefLab Cloud® has been developed for laboratories or human genetics departments that want to implement the most advanced bioinformatics tools to generate clinically valid genetic reports quickly and cost-effectively.
How does Reflab Cloud® work?
Once the sequencing process is complete, the data is automatically uploaded onto the RefLab Cloud® and analysed by our bioinformatics pipeline. The user can then decide whether to download the data in the format required (fastq, bam, vcf), view and interpret the results (variants and alignments) or simply store the data on the platform.
Services included in RefLab Cloud®
The use of the most advanced technologies combined with our extensive experience has allowed us to develop our bioinformatic tools.
Bioinformatics Pipeline for NGS:
Access to a complete bioinformatics solution, capable of performing all analytical steps of NGS data in a clinical environment.
Data integration with RefLab Database®:
The clinical information of patients (prior consent) from different geographic origins is correlated with a large set of genetic variant data and when available, with biomarker information.
Follow-up and storage
Information is displayed on sample processing, estimated delivery times, and users are notified when results are ready for download. If desired, the data can be stored on the platform.
We integrate and interpret sequencing data from a clinical perspective, thanks to the use of HPO terms and the fact that we have more than 40 years of experience in clinical interpretation.