Social commitment
Working towards a better future
We are socially sensitive company
At Reference Laboratory Genetics we work towards being recognised as an exemplary company offering excellent service, and strengthening the model of a social and responsible company: a model based on closeness and commitment to our clients, employees, the environment and society in general. A commitment that goes much further than commercial activity.
With the aim of helping to promote solidarity work and helping groups of people insociety who are going through difficult situations, we collaborate via donations using organisations such as Doctors without Borders.
We are also aware of the challenges faced by disabled people in the field of work, one of the groups in society at risk of exclusion and with most difficulty when trying to find work and most likely to suffer from a higher pay gap. At Reference Laboratory Genetics we strongly believe in the abilities and capacities of this group of people, and are convinced in the need of integrating them in all levels of our organisation. For this reason, and in compliance with the law 12/1982 (LISMI law), over 2% of our team is formed by people with some degree of disability.
Aditionally, we have agreements with different universities that allow us to contribute our grain of sand in the training of future professionals.
On a work level, those who form part of our team have constant training, flexible salary, flexible timetable and a good work-life balance. In addition, our human resources team is trained and registered as an equality agent (in compliance with the Royal Decree Law 6/2019), assuring fulfilment of the Equality Plan.
We have always considered the generation of renewable energy and waste management to be essential, that’s why our premises are equipped with solar panels and are prepared to manage waste in the most efficient way, whilst always respecting the environment.